2010年1月8日 星期五

Pinhole 針孔攝影 -- 針孔成像歷史與原理


History of Pinhole photography



 "When the images of illuminated objects pass through a small round hole into a very dark room...you will see on paper all those objects in their natural shapes and colours."

"Who would believe that so small a space could contain the image of all the universe? O mighty process! What talent can avail to penetrate a nature such as these? What tonque will it be that can unfold so great a wonder? Verily, none! This it is that guides the human discource to the considering of divine things. Here the figures, here the colors, here all the images of every part of the universe are contracted to a point. O what a point is so marvelous!.





        這是一個古代住在Mimbres Valley的人們用在典型葬禮上的碗,它被放在死者的頭上讓靈魂能透過碗底的孔來昇華。

     雖然針孔成像的發現非常早,但一直都沒有受到重視。在1960年代,當時的攝影界主要接受講鏡頭銳利、奇特的畫面,以及大量生產的相機以及快速即時的畫面主題。但是許多個攝影師不約而同的開始探索針孔相機的領域,他們彼此並不知情。(Paolo Gioli in Italy; Gottfried Jäger in West Germany; and David Lebe, Franco Salmoiraghi, Wiley Sanderson, and me in the United States)

  Paolo Gioli認為經由針孔攝影術的拍攝及得到的畫面都較為純粹,更能代表觀點(point of view)的造型。在他1972年發表的攝影集<>中,他的作品展現了當代所沒有的原始、發自內心、充滿人文主義的作品。

  David Lebe認為現實流動的太快,以至於所有的事情都未來的期待或或者儘是回憶而已。生活當中所經歷的所有畫面一起流動,創造出一個畫面或對於某個情境的感覺,而他在作品中所想要表達的就是這種畫面以及時間感。

--本文共同作者:正正好 老府 Gaga 
                               Jokery  小白 小喬 小草
1. Pinhole寫真術,日本CAMERA社,逸見仁 編輯,株式會社-日本CAMERA社 發行,2007
2. A World History of Photography- Naomi Rosenblum,ABBE VILLE PRESS,4th ed.,2008
3. Pinhole Photography : From Historic Technique to Digital Application Fourth Edition, Eric Renner, Focal Press publications 2009
4. Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity, Michelle Bates, Focal Press, 2006
5. Adventures with Pinhole and Home-Made Cameras , John Evans , RotoVision;, 2003

